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Ficus palmata fig cuttings only for bulk buyers

Ficus palmata - cuttings size 7 inch

Botanical name: Ficus palmata ssp. virgata Family: Moraceae (Mulberry family)

Synonyms: Ficus pseudocarica, Ficus palmata sensu King

Punjab Fig is a deciduous, moderate-sized tree, 6-10 m in height. It is usually seen cultivated as a shrub. Young branches, velvety, often becoming hairless; bark, smooth, dull, ash gray, can be stripped off with the hand, exposing the white to light-yellow wood underneath; wood, moderately hard. Leaves, alternate, broad, ovate, membranous, 12.92 cm long, 14.16 cm broad, with a heart-shaped base, and toothed margin (which is rare in figs). Leaves are dark green and rough on the upper surface, light green and tomentose on the lower surface. Punjab Fig is one of the tastiest fruits found growing wild in the mid-Himalayan region. It is at par with the cultivated figs in taste and flavour, however, size is rather small in this case. In the hills of India, this fig is eaten largely and is succulent, sweet

Ficus palmata fig cuttings only for bulk buyers


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