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Italian honey white figs  plants - ficus Carica



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 Fruit & Berry Plants

 White Marseilles Italian Honey Fig Plant - 2.5" Pot - Blanche Fig






White Marseilles Italian Honey Fig Plant - 2.5" Pot - Blanche Fig

MSRP: $17.99


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SKU:LinerFigYellowUPC:810061369837Currently Available:97

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Product Description

Italian Honey - White Marseilles - Blanche Dormant shipping in winter. As a patio plant, set outside during the summer and move indoors in the winter. Usage: Fig trees usually begin bearing fruit within two years. Mulch heavily with organic materials to conserve moisture, improve soil structure and reduce root knot nematode levels. Once established, figs are drought tolerant and generally free of pests and diseases. When fully dormant, fig trees can tolerate temperatures as low as  -15 degrees F. In colder regions, figs are grown as bushes with multiple stems and branches close to the ground that are laid down and buried before winter. Even if frozen to the ground, figs often will resprout from the roots and produce a crop the following summer. Fig trees respond well to pruning. They can be espaliered or pruned heavily in the dormant season for size control and to increase the main crop. The fig tree makes an especially attractive specimen in the landscape. It's graceful, spreading shape and smooth, twisting branches command attention in all seasons. Features: The fig fruit is actually a hollow receptacle with hundreds of small fleshy flowers facing each other on the inside.  Most cultivars of fig trees produce two crops, a spring breba crop on last season's growth, and a summer or fall, main crop on new wood. The delicious figs will keep a yard full of children occupied for several weeks each summer. Figs must be allowed to ripen fully before they are picked, and the fresh figs won't keep long either. Dried figs will keep for months. Figs also make very unusual bonsai.

Italian honey white figs plants - ficus Carica


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